A study of camera shots and angles.

Establishing shot:

Crédito: Reuters/Damir Sagolj

This picture was described by the Pulitzer juror's as "a shocking shot that has exposed to the world the violence faced by Rohingya refugees in their travel to Myanmar".
This one is part of a full reportage, curiously it's the only establishing shot I could find in that work, but it's obvious why. The pictures pretend to show the pain, the violence and fair in their biggest splendor, but this exactly shot is totally different, this one supposes to put all those nightmares in a real place. With this photo the artist gets us to know where all the action in being developed, and at the same time achieves the objective to show how many people are in there, in that precise moment and situation, which includes innocent kids in themselves.

Full shot:

Resultado de imagen de premios pulitzer"

Full shot is used as the best way to catch the movement of a particular character or a group of those, it must concentrate all the full body (or bodies) in one, and have the capacity of become into one with the land or the element without loosing movement.
This one (the picture at the top, another winner of the Pulitzer Award) can be considerate a full shot because, while we have an action developing at back, our attention is catch by the group at the front. This picture has been able to capture the need of being fast as possible to have an opportunity for a new and best life and even the feeling of fear suffer by the migrants that try to get into the United States with the capture of the fast movement of a woman trying to keep along with her children.

This one, shoted by Lorenzo Tugnoli, can also be seen as an example of full shot:

In this case the background has no movement, even the principal (and only) character is freeze, but anyway the shot shows and transport us into a specific situation, in this case about an actual war.

Medium Shot:

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Capturing the character from the knees or waist to the top of the head, being close enough to let the feeling be.
In this case, also thanks to dutch angle, shows the general movement at the same time that you can feel the fear in the man's face. It's a scary moment, where the characters feel the need of being fast as possible, giving a clear feeling of panic.

That's a type of shot that has been common used in western films, especially during the gun duels.
Nowadays, in films, is able to see this specific type of shot during the parts that includes weapons, fights or simple movements like walks, where the character can be talking something or just as a way to focus more on the character after an establishing or full shot.
Here we have some examples that shows moments of tension between tho characters about to have a fight, an iconic moment where someone shows his power with a background explosion and another iconic in films, absolutely different from the other medium shots I have shown (because in that case there's not a negative conflict, it's more like a romance scene where you can feel the feeling of freedom in the face of the female character).

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Close Shot:
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Commonly used as the way to make the audience connect with a specific character, feeling or situation. The Close Shot puts the focus only in the face, removing importance to the background, and giving the viewers the opportunity to connect with a reaction or a feelings, that uses to be the base of a Close Shot, it's even possible to create a personal connection thanks to this type of shot where there's no background importance.

It can be used to inject in the beholder from sadness to fear or just to show a character reaction like shock or marveled, below it shows some random examples:

Resultado de imagen de child crying

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Extreme Close Shot:
Resultado de imagen de extreme close shot film

Where you can only see the eyes or mouth as a detailed shot of the face, it's seen as an anti natural view so it uses should be limited, the right use of its apports drama into a scene, or just supposes a call of attention directed to the viewer because is a way to expose and exaggerate the emotions.
It's also can be used to give importance to an element that may has passed unnoted.

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Low angle:
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Magnifies characters and objects, offering a low view everything seems to be bigger, in that way you can show emotions as power, importance or heroic.

Those days it's commonly used to capture shots of powerful figures, like Donald Trump, who's this angle gives him some type of feeling of tirane.

Resultado de imagen de donald trump

High angle shot:

Resultado de imagen de harry potter letters scene

The opposite of low angle, offering the feeling of powerless, vulnerability or weakness making the character or element look smaller.

Resultado de imagen de high angle shot

Over shoulder:

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Extended use in conversation between characters scenes where there's a need of establish the mood while both talks. Usually it's shoted basing on a medium or close shot, that offers the feeling of close talk.

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A two shot:
May be different all depending on the actions that the characters make, but basically is the easiest way to show the relationship between characters or just the action of those.
Usually shows the characters from waist to top, but can variate.
Can be a simple action, during a talk

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or make viewer notice a relationship

Resultado de imagen de love during war
(Even if we already know that there was no real relationship between those two persons we have the feeling of it not just thanks to the pose, also because they are together in the same shot).


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