I think that photo can represents what I like:
I considere interesting to learn about other countries culture, meanwhile, I like things that shine.
Putting some filters and effects on that picture I pretended to make it seem older but fancier just like if it were one of those captures from 80' / 90' that in some way matches with my style.

Here I had the intention to make stronger something that is fragile.
I think I can be seen as a sweet person, more like weak, just like the cotton candy is - it easly fray with a touch - however, I can say that inside I am like the sky, even if I'm suffering I look calm, but sometimes can be dangerous, just like a storm.
If someone hurts me, I'll never forget; I can forgive once, maybe twice, but there's a point where I will explode, and when that happens it's better to be aware.

The translation of  is 'the moth flies into the flame', and it can be interpreted in some diferrent ways:
1) I have no really control about myself, I can't not resist the fatal atraction to some things, like love (I easly fall in love even if I know that doing it hurts me).
2) That phrase can be also used for refer to an autodestrucive person, it is suppoused to refer to someone that does everything for get what she wants even if it hurts her, but I gave it another meaning:  I hurt myself all the time; I don't really mind what other people say about me but what I think about myself is the thing that hurts me the most.
3) In my opinion this phrase is much deeper than it seems at first glance, the type can be used as the verb for commite suicide, in that way the phrase gets the sense of someone that wants to end herself.


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